taen написа:BULSTAT (national statistic number).
Ето как го употребяват по принцип:
2.1.2. BULSTAT registration and registration with the tax administration
Within 3 days after the entry into force of the court’s decision for establishment of a company, the enterprise has to file application at the respective office of the National Statistics Institute (NSI) for registration with the Unified Register for Identification of Economic and Other Subjects in the Republic of Bulgaria, called “BULSTAT”. It takes up to an hour for the registration in the BULSTAT Register, upon which a temporary certificate is issued, which is valid one month. Upon the expiration of that period an identity card is provided to the merchant.
Since the beginning of 1998, the
Unified Identity Code is applied by the National Social security
Institute (NSSI) as an insurance number. Since the beginning of 1999, the
EIC is applied by the customs authorities instead of a customs number.
The NSI, the General Directorate on Taxation with the Ministry of Finance and the NSSI work on the realisation of an unified procedure of registration in the BULSTAT Register, the National Taxation Register and the Register of the Persons paying in insurance.
Georgi Stanev,
director of “Bulstat” Directorate, National Statistical Institute
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