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English, Spanish, or Portuguese anyone?

Message board for English speakers


Мнениеот Anastassia Terzieva » 19 Окт 2004, 16:08

nai-dobre da go pusnem tuk vuv foruma- taka vseki ot kolegite shte moje da polzva tazi chast ot NK na angliiski :))))))) v neta pochti niama takiva resursi...
stava duma za ch. 95-105 NK, no dnes mi e mnogo natovareno i edva li shte smogna i s tova predi 10-11 vecherta, taka che ako mojesh da reagirash po-rano, davai :)))))))
Anastassia Terzieva


Мнениеот anip » 19 Окт 2004, 16:20

Zrravei,problemyt e,4e imam dostup do mrejata do 17h.ako utre ne ti e kusno,sutrinta 6te ti pusna gotoviq prevod,no pak 6te mi e po-udobno da mi dade6 nqkayw mail.kaji mi dali ti vur6i rabota tova,za da znam dali da se zahva6tam s prevoda kato se pribera ot rabota.
Младши потребител
Мнения: 17
Регистриран на: 18 Окт 2004, 15:18


Мнениеот j » 19 Окт 2004, 16:26

Art. 95. (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) Who, with the purpose of subversion, undermining or weakening of the authority in the republic, participates in a coup attempt for forcible seizure of the power in the centre or locally, in a riot or in an armed uprising, shall be punished by imprisonment from ten to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.

Art. 96. (1) (Amend., SG 41/85; suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) Who, with the purpose of undermining or weakening the authority in the republic, or create difficulties, deprives of life a state or public figure, shall be punished by imprisonment of twenty years, life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.
(2) Who, with the same purpose, causes a serious bodily harm to such a person shall be punished by imprisonment of five to fifteen years.
(3) (New, SG 41/85; suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) Who, with the purpose under para 1, through arson, explosion, flooding or other socially dangerous act, causes death to one or more persons, shall be punished by imprisonment from fifteen to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.

Art. 97. (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) Who, with the purpose described in the preceding Art., commits a socially dangerous crime according to art. 349 or 350, shall be punished by imprisonment of ten to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.

Art. 97a. (New, SG 41/85) (1) Who, with the purpose under art. 96, keeps somebody as a hostage, whose release places under dependence on the fulfilment of a definite condition on the part of the state, of a state or a public organisation or a third person, shall be punished by imprisonment of three to ten years.
(2) When, in the cases under the preceding para, the perpetrator threatens that if his conditions are not met, he will cause death or serious or average bodily harm to the hostage the punishment shall be imprisonment of five to fifteen years.


Мнениеот j » 19 Окт 2004, 16:28

Art. 98. (1) Who abets a foreign country or a public group abroad in a war or other hostile act against the republic shall be punished by imprisonment from five to fifteen years.
(2) The same punishment shall be imposed to those who commits an act with the purpose of instigating war or other hostile act against the republic.

Art. 99. (1) (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) Who deprives of life a representative of a foreign state with the purpose of instigating war or international complications against the republic shall be punished by imprisonment from ten to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.
(2) For serious bodily harm to such a person with the same purpose the punishment shall be imprisonment of five to fifteen years.

Art. 100. (1) (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) A Bulgarian citizen who during a declared or started war, enlists voluntarily in a hostile army or an armed group or participates in a hostile act against the republic, or in any form whatsoever passes to the side of the enemy shall be punished by imprisonment of ten to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.
(2) The same punishment shall be imposed to a Bulgarian citizen who, in any way whatsoever, has assisted a foreign state or a public group abroad in carrying out military or other hostile activities against the republic.

Art. 101. (1) A Bulgarian citizen who leaves the country or refuses to return to the country with the purpose of providing services to a foreign country or to a foreign organisation in order to serve to it to the detriment of the republic shall be punished by imprisonment of three to ten years.
(2) If the act is committed by a military man the punishment shall be imprisonment of five to fifteen years.

Art. 102. (1) Who, with the purpose of reducing the defence capacity of the republic occasions a riot or defiance in the Bulgarian army or desertion from it, or with the same reason disrupts its training or provision, shall be punished by imprisonment of five to fifteen years.
(2) (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98) If serious consequences have resulted from the act, or if it has been committed in war-time, the punishment shall be imprisonment of ten to twenty years, life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.

Art. 103. Who, in fulfilment of a public employment or commission before a foreign representation or international organisation, deliberately carries them out to the detriment of the republic, shall be punished by imprisonment of ten to fifteen years.

Art. 104. (1) (Suppl., SG 50/95; amend., SG 153/98; amend., SG 26/04) Who divulges or gathers with the purpose of divulging to a foreign state or foreign organisation information representing a state secret shall be punished for espionage by imprisonment of ten to twenty years, by life imprisonment or life imprisonment without an option.
(2) If the perpetrator voluntarily discloses to the bodies of authority the committed crime he shall be punished with attenuating circumstances.
(3) (Amend., SG 95/75; SG 99/89; amend., SG 26/04) The information representing a state secret shall be determined by a law.

Art. 105. (1) Who places himself at the service of a foreign country or foreign organisation in order to serve as a spy, unless he has not committed an act under the preceding para, shall be punished by imprisonment of five to fifteen years.
(2) The perpetrator shall not be punished if he voluntarily discloses himself to the bodies of authority.


Мнениеот anip » 19 Окт 2004, 16:33

thanks j,prevodut e strahoten,spesti ni dosta rabota.
Младши потребител
Мнения: 17
Регистриран на: 18 Окт 2004, 15:18


Мнениеот Anastassia Terzieva » 19 Окт 2004, 16:42

ok, anip :))))))
iskash li da napravim taka
i dvete da go pochnem vaprosnia prevod- te sa okolo 7-8 chlena, izmiana li si izbirash ili predatelstvo?
vsashtnost tiah shpionstvoto ne gi interesuva.. taka che mai ostavat do chl.101 vkl?
taka shte im pratim ednata chast oshte vecherta, a drugata- na sutrinta.
taka shte mojem i da si sravnim izpolzvanite termini ;) i az ako se varna kasno- /tochno dnes siakash vsichki reshiha che im triabvam/ niama da visia do sto chasa :)))))

p.p. Blagorodna mnogo ti blagodaria za hubavite dumi i visokoto mnenie za mene, naistina shte se radvam ako rezultata e nai- dobria, nezavisimo, koi tochno e svarshil rabotata. stava duma za drug bulgarin, neka pomognem s kakvoto mojem, dori i da toi da iska da jivee v usa i da ne iska da chue za vrashtane v BG
pozdravi :)))))))))))))
Anastassia Terzieva


Мнениеот anip » 19 Окт 2004, 16:53

Anastassia,pogledni pak foruma,mislq,4e imame prevoda,ot kolegata j,sega i az pak 6te go pogledna,no mislq ,4e tova e koeto ni trqbva,a kato izpulnenie su6to.
Младши потребител
Мнения: 17
Регистриран на: 18 Окт 2004, 15:18

Re: English, Spanish, or Portuguese anyone?

Мнениеот Jessica Ramos » 19 Окт 2004, 17:00

Wow - Thanks to everyone who helped me with this!! Now I can say that I know some wonderful people in Bulgaria!! If you ever need anything from me, I would be happy to assist you!! Thanks again!!

нямам думи да ви изкажа БЛАГОДАРНОСТта си

(I found this phrase in a Bulgarian/English dictionary, and I hope it is correct and does not say anything rude!!)
Jessica Ramos


Мнениеот Anastassia Terzieva » 19 Окт 2004, 17:03

:))))) J ti si chovek na miasto- malko prikazki i hubava rabota :))))))

Anip, e iavno shte si usavarshenstavme tezi sposobnosti drug put :))))))
Anastassia Terzieva

Re: English, Spanish, or Portuguese anyone?

Мнениеот anip » 19 Окт 2004, 17:06

No, there `s nothing rude -it`s really great.I wish you all the best and in case you need help again,you are wellcome.annie
Младши потребител
Мнения: 17
Регистриран на: 18 Окт 2004, 15:18


Мнениеот anip » 19 Окт 2004, 17:08

da,taka izliza.ni6to 6te se radvam da pomogna nqkoj drug put.4a0 i leka rabota.
Младши потребител
Мнения: 17
Регистриран на: 18 Окт 2004, 15:18


Мнениеот Anastassia Terzieva » 19 Окт 2004, 21:23

vidiah go oshte sledoabiada i pusnah e-mail na Jessica Ramos, sashto da go vidi , predpolagam pri tiah e bilo niakade v nachaloto na rabotnia den :))
e s obshti usilia se spravihme poveche ot dobre
Blagodaria ti J - koito i da si :)))))))
Anastassia Terzieva

Re: English, Spanish, or Portuguese anyone?

Мнениеот Anastassia Terzieva » 19 Окт 2004, 21:28

Anastassia Terzieva


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